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Pueblo Classes

Classes & Seminars

226 W. Abriendo Avenue
(719) 821-9200

Our Upcoming Offerings

  • Yoga that YOU Can Do: Weekly classes (details...)
  • Stress Management Essentials: Protecting health, optimizing performance (details...)
  • Meditation: Basic techniques for stress management & peace of mind (details...)
  • Meditation: Advanced practices from yoga, centering prayer, and biofeedback (details...)
  • Overcoming Worry, Pessimism and Depression: Beyond positive thinking (details...)
  • Holistic Health: The simplest and safest strategies for everyone (details...)
  • Difficult People in Your Life? Nine types... and how to become effective with them all (details...)
  • The Enneagram: Nine pathways to greater life satisfaction and effectiveness (details...)
  • The Soul Mate Relationship: Building your spiritual and psychological magnetism (details...)
  • Breathing Clinic: Regain the relaxation, healing and vitality that proper breathing energizes (details...)
  • Interpersonal Energies: Survival guide for the sensitive; Mastery guide for the rest (details...)
  • Hand and Foot Reflexology/Acupressure: Quick relief from pain, tension, fatigue (details...)

Costs and Discounts

  • Cost per person is only $15-$30, depending on the class (less any discount).
  • Discount if a payment is postmarked five days early: $5-$10 off, depending on the class.
  • At-the-door payments may be made by cash or check to WellPath Resources, LLC.
  • Registration: please include your email for ease of sending confirmation (personal, not work, if you have one).
  • Refunds: full refund if requested at least 24 hours before program.
        With less than 24-hour notice, either 50% cash can be refunded
          or 100% applied to later program.
  • Location: offices at 226 W. Abriendo Ave, Pueblo, CO 81004, unless noted otherwise.

Yoga that YOU Can Do: Weekly classes 

Gentle, gradual postures, movement, and breathing

For nearly twenty years Richard Pinneau has specialized in introducing gentle, gradual yoga postures and breathing — suitable even for people who doubted they could ever do yoga. In small classes of 5-6 students you will have special attention to help you get comfortable with the most universal and gentle yoga postures (and we do NOT mean standing on your head!). Inexpensive recordings are available to guide home practice.

Regular class times:

Thursdays, 9:00am-10:15am; Thursdays, 5:30pm-6:45pm; Sundays 5:30pm-6:45pm.

Come once, come weekly, or come twice per week. More details: PuebloServes.com/ayogathatyoucando

$10/person. ($30 for four classes, payable at close of your first class.)

Stress Management Essentials 

Protecting your health, optimizing your performance

You will learn the science behind how stress affects your mind and body - and the arts which protect you from those effects: deep relaxation that will automatically carry over into your busy life so you can be calmly active, more efficient, and more energized.

  • Learn effective breathing, visualization, and focus.
  • Get your mind on your side: reduce negative chatter, worry, pessimism, and anxiety.
  • Identify hidden stressors that gnaw away at your peace of mind: nip them in the bud before they cause damage.
  • Make new positive responses to stress become an automatic response of the brain so that you don’t waste energy on the negative reactions.

Next offering:


$15/person. ($10 if payment postmarked five days before program date.)

Meditation for Beginners 

Techniques for stress management and peace of mind.

Drawing on universal techniques from biofeedback, yoga, and psychology, you will learn universal methods that benefit clarity of mind, health of body, and/or readiness for spiritual practice such as centering prayer.

  • Smoothe, natural breathing that clears away the day’s adrenaline.
  • Powerful posture: relaxed while alert.
  • Gentle, firm, single-pointed concentration that unleashes creativity and clears the reason.

Next offering:


$20/person. ($10 if payment postmarked five days before program date.)

Advanced Meditation 

Advanced practices from yoga, centering prayer, and biofeedback.

Prerequisite: The beginning-level meditation class or the stress management class.

Paragraph describing this class. Paragraph describing this class. Paragraph describing this class. Paragraph describing this class.

  • Transcend the restless mind and the clamoring body.
  • Based on principles discovered by brainwave biofeedback, Christian mystics, and subtle-energy artists.
  • How life-long yoga masters achieved miracles with meditative disciplines.
  • Invoke and apply to your own personal vision of a Higher Power.

Next offering:


$25/person. ($15 if payment postmarked five days before program date.)

Breathing Clinic 

Regain the relaxation, healing and vitality that proper breathing energizes.

The “breath of life” is indeed fundamental to our vitality and life. Biofeedback monitoring of individuals suffering stress-related disorders quickly reveals how central is proper breathing to returning body to health - and mind to peace. Unfortunately, stress and bad habits have deprived most modern Americans of healthful breathing.

This clinic tutors you in the most potent breathing skills that Richard Pinneau used with his decades experience working with biofeedback clients.

  • Experience the natural pattern that your breath should show.
  • Learn how to gain conscious control over usually unconscious breath processes.
  • Master maximally slow, deep breath for rapid stress-relief.
  • Learn an energizing breath that can boosts strength without tension.

Next offering:


$25/person. ($15 if payment postmarked five days before program date.)

Overcoming Worry, Pessimism and Depression 

Move beyond unscientific attempts at positive thinking.

It is not unusual for a doctor to find that a patient’s physical problems stem from mental distress. The simple instruction, “You just need to stop worrying and relax more,” doesn't help much. However, systematic tools of ‘Cognitive Behavioral Therapy’ show you how to gain conscious control of exactly what goes on within the mind and belong in your personal arsenal of life strategies.

  • Discover how a sensible optimism can be learned... and sustained.
  • Be ready with powerful comebacks that overcome discouragements.
  • Learn to trouble-shoot new stumbling blocks that arise.

Next offering:


$35/person. ($25 if payment postmarked five days before program date.)

Holistic Health Strategies 

Learn those that are the simplest and safest for everyone.

Paragraph describing this class. Paragraph describing this class. Paragraph describing this class. Paragraph describing this class.

Time will be spent discussing individual questions about application to specific health of participants.

  • Chi, Ki, and Prana: Guide to “life energy” practices for the non-New-Ager.
  • First benefit.
  • Harness the power of hypnosis — without having to bark like a dog.
  • Suggestions of the greatest dietary, herbal and homeopathic remedies — that you can use with confidence.
  • Quick application of massage, reflexology points, and acupressure.
  • Considering professional help: from Acupuncture to Chiropractic.

Next offering:


$35/person. ($25 if payment postmarked five days before program date.)

Nine Types of Difficult People and How to Handle Them 

Understanding human motivations and how to work around them.

Drawing upon a system for understanding human motivations called “The Enneagram”, you can work better with yourself and others. Learn the patterns, their strengths, and their vulnerabilities. Understand the differences in how people choose to learn, love, shop, and drop. You’ll find ways to stop treating all people routinely &mdash and instead lead them according to their individual potential.

  • Learn the motivations, vulnerabilities and potentials of nine difficult (and promising) types of people.
  • Understand your own unspoken preferences so that you can harness them and maximize your personal effectiveness.
  • Learn to overcome the natural conflicts that tend to arise between people of various motivational types.

Next offering:

Sunday, tba.

$35/person. ($25 if payment postmarked five days before program date.)

Soul Mate Relationship 

Building your spiritual and psychological magnetism.


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Next offering:

Sunday, October 29, 2006, 2:00pm-5:00pm.

$35/person. ($25 if payment postmarked five days before program date.)

Interpersonal Energies 

Do you have people in your world who virtually drain the life energy out of you?

Some people seem to make their presence felt even before you see or hear them. Perhaps you can sometimes feel yourself tense, grow uneasy, or sink in mood — only to discover that some “Joe Negativity” has arrived. If you are one of those sensitive individuals who is drained or thrown off track by such people, this seminar is for you. Come and learn powerful protective skills.

  • Learn to protect your own energy field.
  • Replenish your own energy automatically, even around the “energy vampires”.
  • Become aware (and selective) how you spread your own energy.

Next offering:


$25/person. ($15 if payment postmarked five days before program date.)

Hand and Foot Reflexology / Acupressure 

A guide to the quickest relief from pain, tension, fatigue, and other common complaints

(description forthcoming)

  • A
  • B
  • C

Next offering:


$25/person. ($15 if payment postmarked five days before program date.)

The Enneagram: Nine pathways to greater life satisfaction and effectiveness  

Learn the nine Enneagram pathways and their practical and spiritual power secrets

(description forthcoming)

  • A
  • B
  • C

Next offering:


$25/person. ($15 if payment postmarked five days before program date.)

©2003-2008, Richard Pinneau

    WellPath Resources, LLC